
The Product Price area table module will allow your customers to enter dimensions, such as width and height, and the module will look up the
price from a price table associated with the product. The module is capable of returning the closest matching price from your table if the price entry for the dimensions entered by your customer does not exist in your price table, in essence allowing you to create a ‘staggered or stepped’ pricing points for your product based on size or dimensions.

Additionally, you can create multiple price tables for a product which will be associated with an option, For example ‘Gold blinds’ and ‘PVC Blinds’ may each have their own corresponding price tables, in effect allowing your products to utilise Matrix based pricing.

Finally, your existing attribute impacts will remain effective therefore allowing you to create highly customisation products and sell them online.

A common usage of the module is for store owners selling window blinds or doors. As an example, a Roller Blind pricing may be based on a price table depending on the dimensions entered by the customer, you may also want to offer additional options like related decor at an additional fixed cost. The Product Price Area Table would be capable of providing your store which such a capability.


The installation procedure is very much similar to most other Prestashop modules. No core changes are required therefore installation is straight forward. Be sure to follow the instructions below for a successful installation:

  1. Upload the module folder to your store’s module folder: {root}/modules/
  2. After uploading the module, in the Prestashop Back Office, head over the to the Modules section
  3. Search for the module and choose the install option
  4. After a successful installation the module is ready to be used. Initially the module’s main configuration page will be displayed. We’ll take a look at how to use the module below


Configuring the module

Locate the Product Price Area Table module in the module list after Installation.

The main module configuration screen will allow you to set up the global options and settings related to the module. From this screen, you can set up the dimension fields which will be displayed on your product page into which the customer can enter size values. The module displays two dimension fields and each field will correspond directly to either the row or column heading in your price table / spreadsheet.

By default the module is setup with the row and col dimensions corresponding to Height and Width. You can modify each dimension by clicking the edit or pencil icon next to the dimension input you wish to modify.

Configuring a dimension field

Configuring the module dimensions

Clicking the edit icon will launch the edit dimension field panel allowing you to configure the field in the following ways:

Edit dimension

The label of input field displayed on the product page.

Display name
The label of input field displayed on the product page.

The unit suffix displayed next to the field and in the cart and related order pages.

Display As
You can choose to display a field either as a text box or a drop down. A text box will allow the customer to enter any numeric value as the size and the module will look the price up based on a closest match from price table. Choosing to display as a drop down will display the field as a drop down, with a list of options which correspond to either the column or row headings, these will be populated automatically by the module.

Creating Price Tables for your products

With the module main configuration now set up, we can begin to set up our products in Prestashop to use the module to look up product pricing from a table of prices.

We can either set up a single table of prices, or multiple tables, where each table will be linked directly to a drop down option for the customer to select from on the product page, for example: Colour.

To begin, choose a product to edit From Catalog > Products and under the Modules tab, select the Product Price Area Table module.
You will now be presented with two tabs; General Op?ons and price tables.

General Options

The General Options tab will allow you to configure the following options related to the product you are editing:

Setting up price tables for products

Choose whether or not this product should use the module for table based pricing. When disabled, Prestashop will use the default behaviour for calculating product prices?

The minimum height to enforce when the customer is entering the height field on the product page

The maximum height to enforce when the customer is entering the height field on the product page

The minimum width to enforce when the customer is entering the width field on the product page

The maximum width to enforce when the customer is entering the width field on the product page To disable the min / max height and width restrictions simply enter 0 for their values.

Price Tables

It is under the price table tab where we shall set our price table(s). When your customer enters a width and height, the module will look up the price from the price table you create here.

But first we need to consider how price tables are organised for each product. Each product can have one option, such as “Material” and each value for this option (such as “plastic”) can have a corresponding price table. This allows you to create multiple price tables for the different materials your product is available in. The customer will see a drop down menu on your product page, and the option they select will influence the price displayed to them on the product page and during checkout

If you create only one option and one option value, the module will assume you have no real options to display and therefore will hide the
options on the product page and use the price table automatically.

Create your option by entering the label of the option into the option form illustrated below. Each option may have multiple option values which may each have a price table of it’s own.

Options for your Price Table

After creating an option and some option values, click on the option name to load the price table panel on the right hand side. The price table panel allows you to create or manage an existing price table, as well modifying the behaviour of the module when looking up a price from the table of price you have set up. Below is a quick summary of the price table options:

Price Table options

Determine if the option value is enabled or not.

The name of the option value which will be displayed to the customer on the product page (in a select dropdown field)

As the price in the table are enumerated based on the column and row headings available in the price table, there may be some cases when a
customer inputs a row or column combination for which there is no direct matching price in the table. In situations such as these the module can either round up or down to the next closest price in the table depending on the setting you choose.

Note that this is only applicable if you choose to display your fields as text inputs. Drop down inputs would not be affected by this setting as the row / column combination the customer can select is restricted to match the price table.

Set up the default values which should appear in the input fields on the product page by default. Creating the price table.

Now we’re ready to create our first price table. We first need to set up our column and row headings. These are often dimensions of a product, for example if you were selling window blinds, the row and column headings would correspond to width and height values available for your roller blinds.

Begin by creating a new column. The button for this is located in the price table toolbar. A popup will appear in to which you can enter your first column title, for example: 10. Repeat this process as many time as you need to.

After setting up your column titles we’re ready now to insert rows. Click the Insert Row button in the price table toolbar and a blank row will be inserted for you. Fill out the prices and row title for the row and additional rows if necessary.

After you have finished entering the prices into the table click the save button to save the price table.

Note that you can also import a CSV file directly into the price table instead of filling out the table using the module interface.

After entering the prices in the price table, save the price table. The module widget should now be displayed on the front end product page.

Front End

Once the module has been configured and the price table for your product set up correctly, your customers should now be able to enter their desired dimensions or sizes via the module widget displayed on the product page and a dynamic price based on the prices in your table should be displayed.

Product Price Table Front end

This dynamic price along with the dimensions they choose will appear in the shopping cart when the customer adds the product to the basket.

Get Product Price Area Table on Prestashop Addons site

Get Product Price Area Table on Prestafusion